Popular baby names in New York
What are the most popular baby names in New York?
We looked at the data of the top baby names registered in New York state in 2013.
The source contains just over a thousand first names of just over a hundred and twelve thousand kids of both sexes that were featured on the top first names listing, registered in the year.
The most popular first names range from being shared by about 1300 children to the more unique ones featuring only 5 times.
18 of these are uni-sex names listed below, however, only Casey is shared equally by both girls and boys according to the sample analysed, whereas the list sways to one or the other side the further it is down the list.
The name Ryan was given to a girl about 1% of the time, similar to the name Jordan.
Taylor on the other side sways heavily towards the girls where only a few boys are called by this name.
Alexis and Riley lean towards being predominantly a girls name or a boys name respectively, yet also have a considerable number, approximately 30% , so named of the opposite sex.
1. Casey 50% boys and 50% girls.
2. Tenzin 43% boys and 57% girls.
3. Eden 31% boys and 69% girls.
4. Milan 31% boys and 69% girls.
5. Alexis 30% boys and 70% girls.
6. Riley 26% boys and 74% girls.
7. Ariel 22% boys and 78% girls.
8. Avery 21% boys and 79% girls.
9. Hayden 80% boys and 20% girls.
10. Peyton 16% boys and 84% girls.
11. Skyler 84% boys and 16% girls.
12. Angel 95% boys and 5% girls.
13. Cameron 96% boys and 4% girls.
14. Taylor 3% boys and 97% girls.
15. Jordan 97% boys and 3% girls.
16. Blake 98% boys and 2% girls.
17. Dylan 99% boys and 1% girls.
18. Ryan 99% boys and 1% girls.